What I've Been Listening to...
A few times a year I listen to interviews with Josh Dubin of the Perlmutter Center for Legal Justice. During these chats, he will bring on someone who either was wrongfully accused of a crime or an individual who committed a crime but found themselves punished severely when compared to others who offended similarly. These individuals share their stories and more times than not, tears well up in my eyes. What they discussed in this last episode really blew my mind. Now, depending on where you look, the statistics vary a bit but one thing that is consistent is that a large majority of inmates have a poor education. It is so poor that roughly 60% of prisoners are functionally illiterate. One prison tried to change that and they offered a literacy program to all of their inmates. What they found was that the rate at which someone re-offends and winds up back in prison is roughly 70%. For those that completed the literacy program, that number decreased to 16%! If you can educate the individual, you open up the world to them. It offers a life that they never really felt was possible and can help get them and keep them on the right path. What I've Been Working On... This week I was trying to get across to a group of middle school kids that no matter what we do, we might not be accepted by everyone. It is not an easy topic to broach as it sounds harsh, someone may have told them otherwise, or even that some of these students really focus on accepting others and assume others will as well. At one point, one student put their hand up and told me that everyone has the right to be accepted and I said maybe so, but it doesn't mean that it will happen. Then we dove into how does it feel to not be accepted, thoughts on what to do if that happens, and ways to work through those feelings. The main point of this class was that as an individual, we all have core values. These core values drive our decisions and they end up setting the foundation for who we are and who we become. When it comes to fitting in with others, we cannot capitulate on those things that we deem important. You do not change who you are to fit in with others. If you can stay patient and authentic, you will find those people who will become your people! Health Tip of the Week Remember, there are four buckets of health (mental, physical, social and spiritual) and it is important to make sure each bucket get proper attention. My advice for this week is to do something that helps improve the social aspect of your life. Block some time out on your schedule and make an effort to connect with someone. Take a walk, chat on the phone, grab some coffee, or do something fun and exciting with a group of friends. When you are there with them, make it a point of emphasis to listen more and give your friend some space to share what is going on in their world. Speaking of social gatherings... Barn Event This evening at 4 pm we are having a small event at our barn. Well, actually not we, but rather ME! Marisa and I had a plan to host this together but then she looked at her calendar and realized that she has a horse show (she coaches Lehigh's equestrian team) and will most likely not be available. So, with that being said, I will be going it alone and would like to have some friendly faces show up and help a guy out! The purpose of these gatherings is to build an intentional community of health minded people who want to be proactive with their health, seek solutions to problems, and lastly, to connect with others. We hang in the barn for a bit, share what we have been up to, then have a little chat at the end for those who may have questions. There are usually a few people in the world of health and wellness in attendance so if I don't have an answer, someone else most likely will. It is usually about 5-10 people and my usual anti-social self has been enjoying them. If you cannot make it but are interested in more info on future events, click here and I will keep you in the loop! Quote of the Week "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." -- Alexander Hamilton I hope you all have an awesome week!Chris Fluck
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